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Help us

Do you want to help a pet to get to his new home?

You can help us by sharing or by donating items or money.


As you know, adopting a dog or cat is a special event that occurs only at certain moments in life, for example when our previous pet has left us, when we move into a house with a garden or simply when we realizes that he has the necessary resources to welcome a four-legged friend, or perhaps one more.


The appeals of animals in need of the house are promptly created and published regularly on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Alfonso and his friends. Help us spin them as much as possible so they get to the right person at the right time.


In addition to sharing, you can help Alfonso through donations of food, items for animals that you no longer use or money.

The donated food and items may be used to support animals in shelters, and the relocation and adoption of other dogs and cats.

The financial donations will instead be used by Alfonso and his friends to recover the strays, to pay the stalls in the shelters, to make the necessary therapies, to have them sterilized, vaccinated and registered at the registry in order to obtain the necessary documents for adoption .


If you want to help out there are many ways:


  • By adopting one of the furry in the Adoptions section, even better if it is a needy animal or one that has been waiting for a family for a long time

  • Providing a temporary stall for an animal recovered from the street and in need of care

  • By following Alfonso's Facebook and Instagram pages and sharing the appeals of animals seeking adoption

  • With a tiny monthly contribution of ONLY 1 EURO thanks to the Teaming page, you can read here how

  • With a spontaneous donation through PayPal , PostePay (contact us for the number) or by bank transfer using the following IBAN coordinates: IT25 V010 1039 9101 0000 0002 955 in the name of Alfonso Rosario Iaccarino

  • By becoming volunteers within your local volunteer community and helping to retrieve, care for, and relocate pets in search of families

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